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2007 Annual Report to Membership

“Difficulties exist to be surmounted.”
“Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first overcome.”
“Press on, nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.”
“Our task now is not to fix the blame for the past, but to fix the course for the future.”

All of the above quotes define the visionaries and founders of our water system. Even though the difficulties seemed insurmountable and objections were abundant, our founding fathers were persistent in their pursuit and truly set the course for providing safe, abundant water for our communities and for future generations.

Today difficulties still exist, new EPA regulations to meet aging and failing infrastructures, continued growth creating greater demands for water, fire protection, economic development, and increasing customer service demands. Having adequate well trained personnel to meet these needs is essential along with keeping abreast of and use of new technological advances in the office, in the field and at the water plant.

This past year we received $27,242.96 of generator credit at our Hyattown facility and office complex. Since installation of these generators, we have received $197,796.00 in credits. Through peak shaving at our water filtration plant, we have been able to reduce our power cost by an additional $170,000.00 annually since 1995. We produced 3.9 billion gallons of water in 2006, billing for 3.34 billion gallons with a water loss of 14.2%. We now have over 55,000 accounts serving a population of over 130,000.

Our Consumer Confidence Report will be ready to go out shortly showing no violations. We had a GIS needs assessment done last year and hope this year to move forward with a GIS project. GIS is a powerful software that can be tied into every facet of our organization to help manage our system more efficiently and provide better customer service. We have concentrated on six of our strategic initiatives; Workforce Development, Security, Community Involvement and Image, Asset Managements and Sustainability, Growth, Local Government and Service Area, and Water Resource Availability, IBT and Randleman Dam. We also continue to look at other initiatives developed through our strategic planning consisting of Range of Services, Customer Service, Financial Stability, and Continuous Improvement.

Hazen and Sawyer, an engineering firm, has updated our capital improvement master plan, calibrated our hydraulic model, tested some of our pumps and helped us do our initial distribution system evaluation required by EPA.

We have continued our capital improvement program, completing the 16” ductile iron line on Hwy 62 originating on Tower Road crossing Interstate 85 and connecting at Hwy 62 and Meadowbrook. The 16” and 12” water lines on Meadowbrook Road itself are still under construction. Our service changeout program is complete having changed out 1,142 plastic services to copper this past year. Our service leaks have been reduced from a high of 1,214 in 1997 to only 84 in 2006. This past year along with the 84 services repaired, we repaired 468 main line leaks, plus an additional 25 caused by contractors, moved 14 meters, repaired 11 hydrants, made 725 water taps, 282 valve boxes were raised and realigned and 87 valves were repaired or replaced. We continue with our meter replacement program changing out 7,003 meters. We are continuing with our automatic meter read program now having over 15,000 in use. Over 620,000 meters were read, billed and payments posted. 4,500 meters were cut off for non payment and 6,745 final readings were obtained when customers moved. These accounts also had to be cut back on and processed by our office personnel as customers move in, out and sign up for new taps. We continue to add new sign up and payment alternatives providing better customer service. A new phone system has been installed with additional lines and options for our customer needs.

We will be opening bids on March 21st on two new 1 million gallon elevated tanks. One will be going in the Welcome zone and the other in the Hickory Tree zone.

SCADA will be upgraded at our filter plant and at our central station this year. The filter sweeps and piping are being upgraded. Our emergency river pumps have been tested and are ready if needed. Our engineer is working on a design for a new river intake with more capacity and dependability in low flow conditions. A new 16” transmission line will be designed from our 3 million gallon reservoir to provide more water to the Welcome zone, which provides water to the Hickory Tree, Wallburg, Hasty and Prospect zones. A new 12” transmission line is also being designed from the Lower Hasty Tank on Old Greensboro Road, along Kanoy Road, Bonnie Reagan Road, Jacob Street and Whiteheart School Road. This line will be an upgrade and also replacement of pipe that has a high failure rate. We will be building a new pump station under the 500,000 gallon elevated tank in Trinity. The City of Archdale has agreed to give us this tank and property, but it will continue to be a joint use tank. The pump station will provide better pressure and water quality by more rapid turnover of the water and help to meet peak demands now and in the future. Through these initiatives, we hope to provide better service to you our members now and in the future.

Thad Hartley attended his last regular board meeting on February 26, 2007. He served on the West Davidson Board from June 1970 through August 1973 as Secretary and when the five water systems merged in September 1973 to form Davidson Water, Inc. he became Secretary of the newly formed organization. Three members from each of the five original water systems made up the new fifteen member Board of Directors. Thad served as Secretary until March of 2001 when he took over as President. He brought a new level of structure to the board and management. Thad is the last Board member of the original fifteen Davidson Water Board members. Thad’s leadership and devotion will always be remembered. Benjamin Franklin said, “Well done is better than well said.” Thad Hartley will not be remembered for the harvest he reaped, but for the seeds he planted. Thank you Thad, for a job “Well Done.”

Gregg Stabler, General Manager

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