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2014 Annual Report to Membership

I am pleased to report to the membership that Davidson Water, Inc. has over 59,000 total connections and 52,528 active meters. We added 221 new taps in the past year. Currently, we have 70 employees.

Taking two years to complete, a ribbon cutting for the new water treatment plant (WTP) was held June 4, 2013. The plant, run by Water Plant Superintendant Tom Johnson, is running smooth and is producing excellent water. All of our state mandated tests including copper, lead, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Trihalmethanes and Haloacetic Acids (TTHM/HAA5) have been well below accepted limits. In the next couple of months, we will finish upgrading our old WTP and be able to bring it online. This plant will give us a back up to the new plant and can run concurrent with the new plant if additional water supply is needed.

With the new plant finished and the old plant almost ready to come online, we can turn our full attention to the distribution system. Last year we upgraded and/or added many lines including lines on Old Mill Farm Road, Lingle Farm Road, Front Street, Old Mountain Road and Allred Road. Also, we completed a multitude of DOT highway relocations. It is important to note that we have started a comprehensive study of our distribution system. We are investing in this study to determine better efficiency and future needs.

Last year marked several milestones. Most notable was the retirement of Gregg Stabler. Gregg retired on July 31, 2013 after 42 years of service. He was General Manager since 1987. We salute and thank him for his steadfast commitment in building one of the largest rural water systems in the country. On June 24, 2013 the Board of Directors honored Gregg by naming the new WTP the “Gregg W. Stabler Water Plant.”

Gregg’s retirement brought leadership changes. On July 22, 2013 Ron Sink resigned as President and was named General Manager replacing Gregg Stabler. Lee Comer was elected President, replacing Sink. Stabler was elected Director filling the unexpired term of Sink. Ben Hege was elected Secretary replacing John Greer who resigned due to health concerns.

The management team remained intact with the promotion of two longtime managers. Robert Walters was named Vice President Construction and Engineering. Robert has been with Davidson Water for 33 years. Chris Michael was named CFO & Vice President Administration. Chris has been with the company since 1987.

Another milestone to report is the director retirement of Roger Hedgecock. Roger has served 27 years coming on the board in 1987. He was elected Treasurer in 1994 and has served in that position since. We can’t thank Roger enough for his wisdom and guidance through the years.

The last milestone is a somber one with the recognition of the passing of longtime board members. First, I’ll mention Owen Horton who passed away on February 7, 2014. Owen served on North Davidson Water board and Davidson Water board until 1983.

We remember John Greer who passed away January 18, 2014. John came on the board in September, 1978 and served over 35 years. He served as Secretary from 2003 until 2013 and continued on the board until his death. John was a great board member and he was a loyal servant to his family, his church and community.

And lastly, we remember Thad Hartley who passed away on July 18, 2013. Thad served on the board of West Davidson Water, Inc. He served as Secretary of Davidson Water, Inc. from 1974 to 2003 and President from 2003 until his retirement in 2007, giving over 35 years of leadership.

It is men like these… Owen, John and Thad who made our system what it is today. We will greatly miss them.

In closing, I will emphasize our commitment to our mission of providing clean potable water to our members. We will continue to do that at the lowest possible costs with the leadership of our board and management, the expertise of our professional staff, the dedication of our employees and the support of our members. Thank you. Respectfully submitted,

Ron Sink, General Manager

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