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Davidson Water News
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2012 Annual Report to Membership

As of the 39th annual meeting of the members of Davidson Water Inc., we have provided water to our members for 44 years, serving 2,880 members at conception and now over 58,000. Having adequate well trained personnel to meet the needs of 58,000 plus members, over 145,000 population, is essential along with keeping abreast of and use of new technological advances in the office, in the field and at the water plant.

This past year we received $27,391.00 of generator credit at our Hyattown facility and office complex. Since installation of these generators, we have received $338,076.00 in credits. Through peak shaving at our water filtration plant, we have been able to reduce our power cost by an additional $170,000.00 annually since 1995. We produced 3.7 billion gallons of water in 2011, billing for 3.1 billion gallons with a water loss of 16.7%.

Our Consumer Confidence Report will be ready to go out shortly showing no violations.

We have concentrated on six of our strategic initiatives; Workforce Development, Security, Community Involvement and Image, Asset Management and Sustainability, Growth, Local Government and Service Area, Water Resource Availability, IBT and Randleman Dam. We also continue to look at other initiatives developed through our strategic planning consisting of Range of Services, Customer Service, Financial Stability, and Continuous Improvement.

Our service leaks have been reduced from a high of 1,214 in 1997 to only 37 in 2011. This past year along with the 37 services repaired, we repaired 470 main line leaks, moved 32 meters, lowered or raised 20 meters, repaired 13 hydrants, made 276 water taps, 42 valve boxes were raised and realigned and 53 valves were repaired or replaced. We continue with our meter replacement program changing out 2,382 meters. We are continuing with our automatic meter read program now have approximately 28,000 in use. Over 700,000 meters were read, billed and payments posted. 10,279 meters were cut off for nonpayment and 5,604 final readings were obtained when customers moved. These accounts also had to be cut back on and processed by our office personnel as customers moved in, out and sign up for new taps. We continue to add new sign up and payment alternatives providing better customer service.

Phase I of our water plant upgrade, a new river intake, river pumps, raw water pumps and new reservoir are 99% completed. Bids on Phase II of our water plant upgrade, a new 15 mdg plant, 5 mg clearwell, 40 mgd flash mix, GAC contactors, sludge thickener and new high service pump station have been taken and construction is underway.

The value of life sustaining water, conservation measures, source water protection and the need to develop new sources need to continue to be communicated to our users. “It’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.” “Today’s preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement.”

Gregg Stabler, General Manager

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